Friday, September 6, 2013

First breath...

Knock...knock !!!

None of us remember that first breath we took at our birth, and again none of us think how important that first breath was. It all starts with it, and continues until its last one with billions of them in between. It feels like there are so many things to write, but again, not knowing where to start with is disturbing. I caught myself thinking about this very first breath, during my daugther's birth, while I was trying to calm my wife in the operating room, and eversince it has a special place in my mind.

Through this little space, we will be hopefully sharing and exchanging ideas, experiences, fun, sorow, expertise, and images. No lies, no bullsh*t but truth. Well, at least I am hoping that we can. 

Since I started off with "first breath" stuff, lets talk about late fatherhood...Do we have the patience, experience, finances or even the courage? Honestly speaking, all of them are irrelevant, because when you first see your newborn in that cold operation room held by the doctor, you will be drowning in the "pool of, joy, anxiety, panic, and what if's". Obviously you will be happy to become a father, but then the question of "will I be a good father?" followed by "what if I can't be?" ... Just ignore them and try enjoying the first seconds of your new core family gathering...with that first breath you anawarely had taken as well.

It was fourteen months ago when my daughter was born and made me the happiest guy on the face of this planet. Never had this experience during my first marriage which lasted eight years, and there is no single day passes by which I regret the feeling that we never wanted a baby. However, I also consider myself lucky to not have it back then, otherwise the divorce phase could be painful for the kid. Anyway, better late then never....or is it?

Definitely yes, because during all this time, night cryings, gas, smell of poo, changing diapers had paid off the other day, when my daughter first called me baaa-ba :) (Daddy). That was when it struck me; this is it ! Now I understand why people lived for their children (at least in my current geographical location) for their entire lives. Trying to provide their bests for their kids, in exchange of just a word, smile or even for a happy look in their eyes.

These are the moments, I think to myself that it is good to become a late father. If we think that we -men- are never growing children (at least this is what my wife thinks of me), by the older we get, there is more chance of playing with our baby daughters or sons as our peer groups. 

So, as many other things in life, enjoy and love your kids and every second spent with them.

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