Thursday, September 12, 2013

Generation Y.....The Androids

Betamax Video Casette for SONY C7 Video Player

For those of you who are in their early 40s like me, can remember 80s and 90s. Imagine a world where terms like, internet, cellular phones, texting, or sending an e-mail were obscure and unknown to most. We watched fewer TV channels, landline phones were kings, cars were just turning from bulkier to more compact forms, walkman was the king, casettes came in 45 - 60  or 90minutes types, video players started with Betamax system and white socks ruled.

I guess it was easier to fool your parents to have a sleepover in your friend's house and get wasted on Vodka, than getting lost with today's means of tracking devices like a cellular phone which doesn't allow you to disappear for one single second even if you wanted to. 

Then the Internet came along with computers taking the whole ball game into a different level. People could communicate in light speed, and at cheaper cost. Connecting people (Nokia's Slogan) were never made easier and more effective. We never anticipated a dramatic change in lives when a young nerd from Harvard called Mark Zuckerberg introduced Facebook in 2004 in USA where you simply added a circle of friends and shared thoughts, locations, images and ideas freely. Shortly after, a tiny blue bird called Twitter enabled our boxed in lives to reveal to the world. You could even share a photo of yourself while taking a sh*t with the rest of world. This was the beginning of new era for all the world and has created the famous "Generation Y".


All of a sudden, we started to share images, blogs, news (regardless officially confirmed or not), articles, and more which created a huge paradox in people's minds what to believe in. Although it is not the core of this article, but I think I will write on that one in the future as well. Today, we are living in an ocean of information, but God knows how much of it can be still reliable. As Andy Warhol said in 1968 "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes", I am now saying that today everyone has already became world famous with one tweet or by one image on facebook. In matters of seconds, millions of people can see you or your phrase in this virtual world and that can be scary. Look at the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Brazil and Turkey lately. Most of the visual or written media is wither bought by the governments to share what really happens in the country, or their bosses are too chicken to broadcast the truth. So most the movement has communicated through social media, especially Twitter. 

However, is it safe to trust the information which was posted by a teenager? What if he or she tweeted an information which is not confirmed. Who to believe or not to believe? This is the political dilemma which threatens all nations right now and will continue to do so. Although websites gaining a lot power, I think when it comes to sharing member information with governments they did and will always bow to the power of state and share it. Fear of losing money will always be heavier than the urge to be a hero. Sad but true...

My criticism is to the people who share their utmost intimacy or privacy of their lives in social media. I mean, who the heck cares about where you were, or with whom you are with, and what you did. I totally think that it is mostly the cause of lonely or loveless childhood. Come off it, I know people who had virtually fallen in love with....holy cow ! How can you love someone virtually? Where did the passion go? Joy of touching a human tan? Ecstasy of tasting lips? 

I am sad for "Generation Y" types....I really am....they see life from a 14 inch screen, and live it on the face of a keyboard. So far away from feelings of actual human soul and heart. Time to take one step towards them to get a better understanding. Who they are or what they really want.

Before they end up becoming "Androids"...teach them arts, cooking, sewing, tooling, fixing a bulb, an international flag, to think of needy ones, not to be greedy, share life, share food, share love but furthermore teach them how to be flesh and bone.

Have a great weekend to you all....

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